Congress General Secretary RahulGandhi took on the non-Congress parties like BSP, SP and BJP and slammed them for indulging in politics of caste, creed and religion while ignoring the development activities. Congress (I) General Secretary added that that the development of Uttar Pradesh is long overdue. This can happen if change is brought about in the government, said Rahul Gandhi while addressing various public meetings in Uttar Pradesh as part of his Congress campaign. These non-Congress parties have been alternatively ruling the state for the last twenty two years and looted funds meant for the poor rather than working using it for the development in the state. Rahul Gandhi pointed out that the benefits of developmental and welfare schemes are not reaching the poor because ‘an elephant in Lucknow is eating up all your money.” “Name any scheme or program for development or welfare, the money disappeared and the benefits did not reach the people,” alleged Rahul Gandhi. “Mayawati is responsible for the large scale corruption in the state” said the Congress MP. Rahul Gandhi further said that the time has come to put an end to this bad state of affairs in the state. Reiterating that welfare of the people and development is more important than the personal agenda, Rahul Gandhi asked the people to bring in a change in the governance to reverse the situation continuing over the last two decades under these non-Congress parties. Rahul Gandhi promised that Congress (I) would change the face of the state and the people would see the change for themselves in five years.
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